Saturday, January 14, 2006


cs Clan

So some cool guys picked me up as staff, and its really fun to play but it tires you out a lot. Vent is really fun, so if you are a clan look for a vent channel join #split on gamesurge. I got a new ad provider witch should be better then googles crappy ads. I'm hoping to get a .com or .net as soon as I can get some money, and it should be in place before the .be expires so you will have enfo time to update your links. If anyone want to link trade send me a email at Check out some cool sites. Free sudio music the great guys at This week in tech, now with 4 podcast the 2 weekly internet streaming show the month hacking vidcast podcast on the top storys form hosting by the creators

So check them out :)

Peace out
         TyGuy Get Firefox

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