Friday, October 27, 2006


Bringing it Back

Bringing it Back
Well I realized that I really do need 2 blogs because my new one doesn’t include everything I want to blog about, like my life so I decided that I would bring this one back, I’m not going to say that I will post everyday or something like that because I’ve done that before and never follow though because I either forget or just don’t feel like posting everyday. That being said I do have a lot to say today we will start with football.

I don’t know how many of you guys know that I play football, but I do. The season is over for us we went 0-6 in the regular season and lost our playoff game. This does suck but we had a pretty young team this year with only 2 members from our starting defense last year returning, but in the last game our defense was amazing, and we almost won. Only losing by 8 points. I’m working on a website at for our team as you can see its not very good.
If you have been following my blog for a while you will know that I have had a few different hosts, aboho was my host for the longest time but they went out a few months back. The staff made a new community they don’t offer free hosting yet but its in the plan. This community is more focused on web development and learning how to do things, and new languages and just a place to hang out and chat. Join today if you are looking for a community.
A pretty cool website that has links to a lot of tv shows. Old and new shows check them out. They link to the videos that are on youtube and other websites like them so its all streaming and no waiting for them to download. I watched a few episodes via that site.

Well that’s all I have to say tonight. Remember to check out my other blog at for cool stuff about Tech and make sure to submit your questions for me to answer and if I don’t know the answer I will find it out or ask somebody else. I might also change up the theme as this one really sucks.

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