Monday, October 30, 2006


Stupid Homework

Yeah I know how all of you guys hate homework well I usually never have to do homework because well I just don't do it. This time is different because its one of them stupid group projects where you have to do it and when to screw around in class all the time you never get time to work on it. It is just a simple PowerPoint and my teacher is a pretty easy going guy and interrupts if you forget something so I'm not to worried if I forgot something.

So the party that I was planning for Halloween is a go I'm sure who is all going to show up but there are a few people that I know for sure I don't have any money so people will have to bring there own food and drinks yeah I know I'm a good host. I really should force people to dress up because it is Halloween but I really don't feel like dressing up myself so I'm sure it wouldn't work out to well.

Want to know what kind of music I listen to make sure to visit my page right here its an old profile and just installed the plug in again 2 days ago so it might take awhile for my new songs to enter the charts.

Well thats all for tonight more either tomorrow night or the night after depending on alot of things

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